
Ok, not quite this much!

Ok, not quite this much!


There are predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors involved in sleep disturbances. Although frustrating, there are times when we are not supposed to sleep - where the mind feels you need to be awake and vigilant because it perceives a threat. This response is essential for our phyical survival, however many modern-day threats are not immediately life threatening, yet the fight or flight centre of our brain struggles to distinguish the difference.

Therapy can help you work through the triggers keeping your brain on guard. There are many things you can adjust in your environment and routine in preparation for sleep. Sadly many of our responses, that seem to help in the short term actually maintain or worsen sleep problems in the future. Treatment involves psychoeducation that includes an understanding of how your circadian rhythm can be disregulated, what is best to avoid/implement as well as cognitive behavioural interventions to combat the underlying distress.